who are Stock Brokers ?
Stockbrokers are the financial intermediaries that take buy/sell orders from their clients and execute them in the stock exchange. Stockbrokers are registered with stock exchanges first like NSE/BSE or both under the norms of SEBI. After that, any individual, retail investor or trader willing to trade/investment in stocks must choose to register with any of brokers authorized by Stock exchanges and SEBI. So in simple words, stockbrokers are the link between the Stock market and investors and they charge for executing any buy-sell order from clients. So, here is the point while we choose any stockbroker to work with, we need to understand how much brokerage we have to pay for executing a single order. Let us understand with an example:- Client A is registered with a stockbroker charging Rs. 10 per order buy/sell and Client B is registered with another stockbroker charging 0.55 of total value traded in INR. Now Client A & Client B both bought...